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Ikigai Book Summary & Review: Discovering Your Purpose in Life

Writer's picture: JayJay

Title: Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Author: Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia Genre: Self-help book

First Publication: 2016

Original Language: English

Ikigai Book Summary & Review: Discovering Your Purpose in Life

The secret Japanese way to live a happy and long life" by Ken Mogi, explains the concepts of the Ikigai philosophy, a Japanese origin word that describes the pleasures and senses of life.

Through 5 steps, the author will help you find your Ikigai, showing how it is rooted in Japanese culture, and give lessons that will change your life. All of this through an easy reading, making the absorption of knowledge easier.

Key ideas of the book “Ikigai”

Ikigai is a direct manner, we've separated some of the main points of this philosophy.

There are 5 steps to the Ikigai: Starting small, break free, harmony and sustainability, the joy of small things and to be in here and now;

Ikigai gives a reason for living and determination. It can make you live longer, be healthier, be happier, and even be more successful;

Japanese people value the artisan's work by recognizing the time and effort dedicated to the construction of the pieces;

One of the benefits of having Ikigai is resiliency and robustness;

Make an effort to be your primary source of happiness, joy, and the inner satisfaction, and the results will be enough for you to move forward.

What is Ikigai?

From a Japanese origin, the word Ikigai = "iki" (live) + "gai" (reason) d escribes the pleasures and senses of life. It's what makes you get up every day in the morning and gives meaning to your life.

Everyone has an Ikigai, you just have to find it. Author Ken Mogi defines 5 pillars for this:

  • Starting small;

  • Free yourself;

  • Harmony and sustainability;

  • The joy of small things;

  • Be in the here and now.

The secret to living a long life is to have a real sense of purpose:

Do you want to live a long, happy, and healthy life? Who isn’t, after all?

On Okinawa, Japan’s southernmost island, with the world’s largest population of centenarians, the solution to doing so may be revealed.

And for these island inhabitants, the key to longevity might be as easy as one word: ikigai, which roughly translates to “reason for life” or “inner drive for a certain professional activity.”

It’s also the coming together of four distinct elements: what you’re passionate about, where your abilities are, how you can earn a livelihood, and what the world demands. Many Japanese people believe that everyone has an ikigai or destiny, that they must fulfill.

Others, on the other hand, must search for their ikigai over time, and others discover it quickly. If this describes you, you must persist with it; after all, ikigai is what will ultimately motivate you to get out of bed in the morning.

As a result, Okinawans usually reach a high degree of specialization and attention to detail in their everyday work. The authors met a competent craftswoman at an Okinawan paintbrush factory, for example, who had spent her whole life perfecting the process of attaching individual hairs to a brush. At this stage in her career, she could execute her work with amazing expertise and competence.

5 reasons to read the Ikigai book

1. It will help you find your purpose

One of the first things the Ikigai book asks you to do is find your most immediate purpose for this time. Whether it is buying a house, finding a new job, or even something as small as learning to cook, your big or small goals keep you going. It is essential to acknowledge all your dreams, no matter how insignificant they may seem. When it comes to your physical and mental health, even the smallest of your goals is just as essential as the long-term ones. Once you take a breath to consider your little everyday goals, you will see how your small actions can contribute to the ultimate goal of living a longer and happier life.

2. It encourages introspection

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often forget to experience the moment we are living in properly. The Ikigai book encourages readers to reflect on their enjoyable activities, the moments when they were happy, and the present. We forget to enjoy the present moment in our hurry to earn more money or get the daily chores done. Whether you are worried about the future or anxious about something that happened in the past, never forget to live in the present. Taking the time to figure out where you are in life and how you’ve gotten there can benefit your mental health

3. It tells the secret of happiness

The Ikigai book tells you that the true secret of happiness lies in simplicity. While many think that busy, luxurious, and social media-imposed lives are needed to stay happy, all you need is a simple life. To lead a happy, peaceful, healthy, and long life, you just require a calm state of mind and a sense of togetherness. If you learn how to seek joy in even the most ordinary daily activities, then you’ll be full of energy and zest even at an old age.

4. It gives an intuitive approach to health

The Ikigai book says that Okinawans’ lifestyle does not include running daily, counting calories, or taking supplements. They exercise regularly by moving their bodies instead of engaging in intense workout sessions. They try to stay active through activities like community work, gardening, dancing, and eating healthy. It tells you to remain intuitively vibrant without putting too much pressure or restrictions on yourself. Instead of being stressed out about not being able to work out enough, just try to have some fun with your exercise.

5. It helps you regain your positivity

The Ikigai book helps you become more positive from within. It motivates you to feel at peace with yourself and your life. It enables you to focus on your peace of mind and will to live. Positivity comes from within once you have your purpose in your sights, a healthy lifestyle, and the correct perspective.

Quotes From Ikigai book

“Our Ikigai is different for all of us, but one thing we have in common is that we are all searching for meaning.”
“There is no future, no past. There is only the present.”
“Essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”
“The keys to longevity are diet, exercise, finding a purpose in life (an Ikigai), and forming strong social ties.”
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”


JAY is a Book Blogger and Content Creator. He is listed among the Top Book Bloggers in India. He has worked with more than 150 Authors, Brands and India’s listed Publisher’s in regards with Marketing and Promotions.

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