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Do Epic Shit Summary - Ankur Warikoo

Writer's picture: JayJay

Title: Do Epic Shit

Author: Ankur Warikoo

Publication Year: 2021

Original Language: English

Two Sentence Summary:"Do Epic Shit" by Ankur Warikoo is a book that delves into the author's life experiences, encompassing failures and triumphs, to offer readers valuable lessons for personal growth and navigating challenges." It aims to inspire individuals with anecdotes and reflections that encourage them to strive for success while learning from adversity.

Do Epic Shit Summary - Ankur Warikoo
Do Epic Shit Summary By Books Flix

About the Author

Ankur Warikoo emerges as an entrepreneur and content architect renowned for his profound, clever, and unapologetically candid insights concerning triumph and setback, finances and investment, self-awareness, and intimate bonds. These reflections have propelled him to the pinnacle of India's individual brand sphere.

Inaugurating his literary journey, Ankur amalgamates the pivotal notions that have propelled his odyssey – one commencing with aspirations of becoming a space engineer, culminating in the crafting of content that has captivated the attention of millions.


Ankur Warikoo's "Do Epic Shit" is structured into six distinct sections, each delving into the various facets that shape and influence our lives. Unlike certain works that gloss over real-life challenges and depict success as a panacea for all adversity, Warikoo adopts a unique perspective.

The book revolves around the significance of failures in the journey towards achievement, underscoring their role as valuable stepping stones. This perspective marks the outset of the book's narrative.

Habits of Ankur Warikoo

  • Always carries a notebook

  • Documents everything

  • Puts everything on the calendar

  • Schedules email to himself, for future

  • Uses technology for everything possible

  • Has a self- WhatsApp group

  • Takes an afternoon nap

  • Sets the right environment for every task

  • Creates sensory hooks for what is important: Because our senses help us drive action.

  • Re-wire your environment for things that are your first priority.

Valuable Lessons From the Book: Do Epic Shit

  • Passion is not something you find. It’s something you grow.

  • Don’t think everyone wants to lead. 99% of people want to be led. They want to be told what to do. Led them.

  • Be curious. It’s what creates opportunities more than hard work ever will.

  • We procrastinate not because of laziness but because of fear.

  • Be busy in finding yourself instead of being busy in the rate race and never knowing yourself.

  • Respect>>> Emapthy>>> Sympathy.


Entrepreneurship is hard.

  • Most people lack intent, not the capability to do something. When your intent is sharp and clear, you are more likely to be a success.

  • Entrepreneurship is 90% about understanding and 10% about execution. 90% about empathy and 10% autocracy. And 100% patience.

  • It’s not a profession. It’s a state of mind. When you work beyond your job description to solve the right problems.

  • If you treat your job like a business, you are an entrepreneur. If you change the status quo for the better, you are an entrepreneur.

  • As an entrepreneur, your success depends on how close you are able to getting people to their solutions.

  • Somebody out there is already working on the idea you have. Don’t over-index the idea. Find what is they don’t know.

  • It’s easy to build a company but hard to build a place where people would love to come to work.


The greatest use of money is to buy freedom and it is the ultimate privilege.

Mistakes you should avoid with money:

  • Don’t take loans to buy the real estate

  • Don’t increase your lifestyle with the increase in your income

  • Don’t invest in the hope of making money fast.

  • Always take taxes into consideration

  • Compounding rests on time. Give it time. Don’t interrupt it.

  • Invest in places where you can withdraw cash whenever you need it.

  • Double down on what’s working rather than pursuing diversification.

  • Take risks early on and don’t worry about the short-term ups and downs


  • Relationships are the places where we thrive. They are also the places where we are challenged the most.

  • All problems in the world have their roots in miscommunication. All relationships thrive on communication.

  • The best way to be taught is to teach others. Break down what you already know and teach it to others.

  • Being kind is powerful. Not all will reciprocate but its always the right thing to do

Do Epic Shit Quotes

Sit on as many chairs as you can before you find the one chair on which you feel you belong.
It is better to be busy in the chase of finding yourself instead of being busy in the rat race and never know yourself.
Time goes away and leaves us with only one of these two things: regret or results.
If you had to choose just one habit for the rest of your life, let it be of not complaining. And see how effortlessly you reach solutions.
Only when you go against the flow will you find your own flow.
Don’t choose entrepreneurship if your primary goal is to make money, if you hate your job or if you think it’s cool because everyone else is doing it.
Stay away from social media. Because the smartest minds are working 24/7 to keep you hooked.


JAY is a Book Blogger and Content Creator. He is listed among the Top Book Bloggers in India. He has worked with more than 150 Authors, Brands and India’s listed Publisher’s in regards with Marketing and Promotions.

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